Taste: Sweet and mildly tangy, smooth & creamy with a clean.pure finish, Usage: Tahi Manuka Honey UMFw 5+ is ideal foreveryday eating – by the spoonful, as a spread on toast orbread, or to add sweetness and favour to smoothies andjuices. Ingredients: 100% raw Manuka honey from NewZealand.
M low –
you prob wont find better / authentic manuka honey out there. very few are licensed genuine like this one. this is the one you want for cuts, infections, overall health
Pull Zook –
Great stuff
Bobrovnikov –
It was superb,always liked honey,had 10% manuka before but this was much better.
Marchiliana –
Well packed ??
Zilna –
The Tahi manuka honey is so far removed from the ¡®normal¡¯ honey from the supermarket that there should be a different title for it.
The Tahi honey is thick, creamy, so tasteful. I cannot waste it in coffee, but enjoy it from the spoon (wooden) or on my toast.